Thursday, July 23, 2015

Handspun Art Yarns Coming!

For any of you fiber crafters, knitters, crocheters, etc., I decided, after some prodding from friends requesting them, to offer some of my art yarns I hand-spin!  Thus far, I've just been making them for my own amusement and fiber crafting, but will see how offering them publicly goes.  Currently building up a gallery of yarns to offer and will let you know.  

When they do go public, I will have a page at my website:

As well as an Etsy page:

If you have yarn types/colorways/fibers you are particularly interested in seeing available, I'd love to know, Please feel free to share!  faescribbles (at)

Thanks! ~Carol

Monday, March 30, 2015

Hand Knit, Black Sari Silk Ribbon Scarf - Boho, Gypsy, Hippie, Witch Wear

This beautiful black loose-knit lacy scarf is the PERFECT accessory for casual or dress-up! The 100% sari silk ribbon has iridescent sheen up-close that looks almost like raven wings! An assortment of black wooden beads and black iridescent smaller beads grace the fringe and give it decidedly gypsy boho witchy flair!

Seven feet long (including fringe) and depending on how stretched out you stretch it, 10-14 inches in width. 

Can even be used as a light shawl to cover your shoulders! 

Care: Hand-wash in cool water with a mild soap (Woolite or Dawn) and rinse in cool water, squeezing out excess water, and lay flat to dry.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Hand Spun, Hand Knit Olive Green Shawl - Baby Alpaca Fiber

Just finished this olive green baby alpaca fiber & sari silk fringed shawl/hip wrap and it is sold already...but I'm always open to doing commissions if you'd like one, too! 

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Always a project in-the-works.
This hand-spun, hand-knitted olive green baby alpaca will soon be a........?
Look for it at our Etsy Shop!

Fiber Arts

Friday, February 20, 2015

Fiber Art - Spinning

There is a soothing meditative quality to spinning......
It's really quite relaxing!


Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Year Round Halloween! Fiber Art Shawl, hand spun, hand knit

For some, Halloween is a way of life, not just an October holiday.....
So why wait to wear your colors?!?!?!?!

Truly fit for a beguiling witch or any Halloween-lover, ALL year long! This lovely triangular shawl was handspun by myself out of black and rust super-soft merino wool, and hand-knit in a loose & lacy stitch to show-off the texture of the yarn! There's *just something* about handspun natural yarn that feels so weighty, rich & rustic; not hard to see how folk become yarn-snobs once they've owned *handspun* items! 

I made this shawl/gypsy hip wrap with Halloween in-mind, but I didn't want it to be SO Halloween-specific that one would not possibly wear it any other time of year. I *think* the addition of the sari silk fringe ties in colors of autumn leaves or party streamers helps to that end, and gives it a bit more of a bohemian/gypsy/fiesta feel & flounce that just might have you pulling this out for Cinco de Mayo as well, or just to wrap up in happy memories of my/your favorite holiday during the rest of the year. Afterall.....the rest of the year drags while we wait for Halloween to arrive! What kind of magic can YOU stir up while wearing it?!?!?!

Monday, February 16, 2015

What are you totin'?

Hand spun (alpaca), hand knit beach tote tablet bag!

This beautiful one-of-a-kind bag is hand knit of hand spun (hypoallergenic) alpaca fiber, lined with heavy 100% cotton muslin, with a braided strap and seashell adornments and twig button clasp with velvet ribbon closure. The bag is 10" x 10", the strap measures 33" long. 
Gorgeous as your everyday purse, a book or tablet tote!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Fiber Arts of Carol Ochs


I'm starting separate blogs for each of my craft endeavors, so followers have the option to follow *just* that craft if they wish!  :) (My *other* crafts being soapmaking, fantasy art, etc. You can find links to those on the sidebar.)

This is my spinning wheel.  I know most name their wheels, but I have yet to do so.  Haven't *felt* the right name yet.  Suggestions?  ;)  It's a Kromski Symphony and I got it over a year ago.  

I always knew that when I got a wheel, it would be a fairytale style wheel, because that's the way I swing...easily enchanted, Rumplestiltskin one of my favorite fairytales.....still!  heh heh  That aside, it spins like a dream...I LOVE it!  I even assembled the whole thing by myself....which in my opinion, is actually a great exercise in learning (if you're new to spinning)  how each wheel part functions.  It was not difficult at all, so don't be intimidated if you are faced with the same.  If you order a wheel online, chances are it will require assembly.
I also happen to be of Polish decent, and from a long-line of woodcrafters, so a wheel made in The Homeland appealed to me, honoring my heritage!  

One of my favorite places to spin is on my back patio.  I live in San Diego so I enjoy nice weather pretty much year-round.  Many choose a wheel based on it's portability and ease-of-taking while traveling (to classes, spin groups, etc.), but I knew I'd mainly be using mine at home where I work, so that was not part of my choosing.  

I tend to favor bulkier yarns.  Here is some freshly spun merino wool, soaked, twist set, drying in our California sunshine, hanging off my lemon tree.  
TIP: If I'm using fiber that still has a sheepy smell to it, I use lemon juice and a few drops of anise essential oil in the rinse to eliminate the smell.  Anise oil is used by hunters and fishermen to hide human scent!  :)

Any finished items I make, I put up for sale at my Etsy Shop:

I welcome you to follow-along with my fiber adventures! 

The Imaginative Arts of Carol Ochs